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Applied Isotope Technologies (AIT) is a technology-centric corporation established by a group of highly experienced, world-class scientists and business professionals committed to innovation in the metrology field. Since its incorporation in 2003, AIT has entirely focused on creation of new technologies, measurement tools, products and services for environmental and biological analyses. The company's products play a critical role in providing significantly improved levels of accuracy, sensitivity and convenience in trace and sub-trace analyses using an important class of analytical instruments called mass spectrometers. Trace compounds are typically measured in nanogram or even lower quantities.

Over the past ten years, Mass Spectrometry ("MS") has become the dominant analytical instrument for detection of analytes that must be measured at very small quantities. However, greater potential of the MS is still untapped because accurate, truly quantitative MS analysis of many important compounds is currently not achievable or very difficult and expensive.

The ability to identify and accurately measure complex chemical structures by the MS, in speciated forms, possible only through the application of the SIDMS promises to be significant and transformational in several multi-billion dollar industries.

The SIDMS is a widely applicable invention that has been certified in 1998 by the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and hailed as the "only available means to make accurate and legally defensible speciated measurements." An impressive body of scientific literature accumulated over a decade leaves no doubt about the incredible power and utility of SIDMS in environmental forensics in many other disciplines.

SIDMS technology is already accepted and utilized under US Environmental Protection Agency's "Method 6800" designation for supertoxin-species analyses by environmental laboratories around the world. To facilitate expanded application of EPA Method 6800 and various mass spectrometric isotopic dilution methodologies, AIT manufactures and sells standards, isotopic spikes, ESIS™-keyed software and Reagent Kits. AIT’s Reagent Kits provide unprecedented accuracy and maximum convenience. SIDMS-based results are legally defensible for speciated analysis of many "high priority" environmental pollutants, such as hexavalent chromium and methylmercury that increasingly pose serious health risks around the world.

The SIDMS is a widely applicable invention that has been certified in 1998 by the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and hailed as the "only available means to make accurate and legally defensible speciated measurements." An impressive body of scientific literature accumulated over a decade leaves no doubt about the incredible power and utility of SIDMS in environmental forensics and in many other disciplines.

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tm – ESIS is a trademark of Applied Isotope Technologies and refers to all isotopic spikes sold by the company.

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EPA Method 6800 Certification
SIDMS Technology
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